Your pet’s safety is paramount in a disaster, they are relying on you!
Disasters can strike at any moment, whether they are natural calamities like hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, or wildfires, or man-made emergencies such as chemical spills or infrastructure failures. So be prepared before an emergency happens!
While preparing yourself and your family for such events is crucial, it’s equally important to consider the well-being of your furry, feathered, or scaly companions before a disaster strikes. As a responsible pet owner, include your pets in your disaster preparedness plan while you have the time. Being prepared in advance can mean the difference between chaos and calm and ultimately, ensuring a safe outcome for everyone.
Below are 8 critical steps to surviving an impending disaster that should be included in your overall emergency plan for you, your family and all pets.
1. Create a Pet Emergency Kit
Just as you would assemble an emergency kit for you and your family, also put together an emergency kit for your pets that can last for several days or more.
Include essentials like their:
- Regular food, treats and water. (Helps prevent upset stomachs from unfamiliar food, treats and water.)
- Litter.
- An extra leash/harness/collar and ID tags.
- Medications. If your pet has special needs or requires specific medications or equipment, ensure you have an adequate supply readily available.
English Bulldog with a First Aid Kit and an Ice Pack on his head (Image: Pixabay) Medical/vaccination records in a waterproof container.
- Emergency phone numbers.
- Bedding, toys, chew toys/bones and other comforting items to help alleviate your pet’s stress.
2. Create a Pet First Aid Kit
Your Pet Emergency Kit should also contain a Pet First Aid Kit in case your pet is hurt or injured in a disaster and you cannot get to a vet immediately. You can purchase Pet First Aid Kits or you can make your own with one of the checklists below. Once these kits are completed for your pets, store them in an easy-to-access place to evacuate faster.
DIY Pet First Aid Kit Checklist (ASPCA)
Dog First Aid Kit Essentials (American Kennel Club)
Also, download the FREE American Red Cross Pet First Aid App by texting “GETPET” to 90999 or download from the App Store or Google Play.
3. Identification and Documentation

For your pet’s ultimate safety, ensure your pets are microchipped (with your current information) and have collars with updated ID tags. Take along extra ID tags in case those on their collars become lost. Also keep a current photo of your pet in case you become separated.
4. Practice Makes Perfect
Familiarize your pets with their carriers or crates ahead of time. Practice evacuation drills so they become accustomed to the process. This will help reduce anxiety and make evacuation smoother when faced with a real emergency for both people and pets.
5. Plan for Evacuation
Research local, pet-friendly shelters, hotels, or boarding facilities in advance. Not all emergency shelters accept pets, so have a list of options to save precious time and stress during an evacuation. Coordinate with friends or family outside the affected area who can accommodate you and your pets if needed.

6. Stay Informed
Keep abreast of local disaster alerts and evacuation orders. Sign up for emergency notifications from local authorities and have a battery-operated or hand-crank radio on hand for updates in case of power or cellphone tower outages.
7. Arrange for Caregivers
Identify trusted neighbors, friends, or pet-sitters who can check on your pets if you’re unable to do so yourself. Exchange keys and emergency contact information with them in advance.
8. NEVER Leave Pets Behind
Under no circumstances should you leave your pets behind during an evacuation. If it’s not safe for you, it’s not safe for them! Plan and evacuate early and take your pets with you.
The Final Word
Your pets rely on you for their overall well-being and safety. By taking the time to prepare beforehand and including them in our disaster plans, we ensure they have the best possible chance of weathering the emergency with us. Remember, a little preparation now can make all the difference when disaster strikes and time has run out.

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